AEMO’s protocol for transmission augmentation

Client: AEMO (Australian Energy Market Operator)
Location: Victoria, Australia
Date: March 2011 – December 2011

Supporting strategic planning and policy development for a consistent, transparent and efficient approach to augmentation of the transmission network


The need for this project arose from changes to the role of the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) in planning and developing terminal station and transmission line infrastructure as part of the shared network in Victoria. With a number of pending or likely large connections to the shared network looming, AEMO wanted a protocol providing transparency in where assets could be developed, to what extent future requirements would be included at the initial and subsequent phases, and how the design and planning interface between connecting parties and AEMO would work through the process.


Entura’s planning and environment professionals and power systems and electrical design engineers worked collaboratively with AEMO to pool the expertise of the two companies to deliver the project.

Entura worked with AEMO to develop a protocol for augmentations and new connections to the Victorian transmission network. The protocol was designed to ensure a consistent, efficient and transparent process developed in consultation with industry, enabling greater understanding of the responsibilities of all stakeholders in the Victorian electricity industry.

Entura also provided advice on the management of land-owners and the community, and developed the stakeholder engagement framework to provide AEMO with greater transparency, structure and timeliness in its decision-making and connection processes.

The project team tested the protocols in stakeholder forums including government regulators, generators and network service providers.


This consultancy led to the development of the ‘Connecting Victoria: Transmission Project Development Protocol’. The protocol provides clarity on the processes for network augmentation planning and delivery in Victoria, enabling timely and well-informed decision making, and better engagement and understanding between industry, stakeholders and the wider community about the planning and delivery process. The protocol takes into account the environmental, social and network aspects of the planning process without compromising the integrity of the network into the future or over-burdening connecting parties in the near term.