
Water management


Capability development and training is increasingly important to enable water managers to understand and minimise risks, increase business certainty, and enable sustainable operations.

Entura’s water management courses give participants the chance to learn from almost 100 years of experience in monitoring, measuring and forecasting the use of water in a large, interconnected system.

As a hydro power generator and Australia’s largest water manager, Hydro Tasmania has been responsibly managing an extensive network of lakes, rivers and streams for almost a century. Entura has been a long time support for Hydro Tasmania in understanding and managing technical, commercial, social, and environmental risks, and implementing a range of programs for the sustainable management of its waterways. Using this experience, Entura shares knowledge with other water managers and agencies in the Indo-Pacific region.

Our courses will increase understanding of the underlying principles of water management and arm participants with knowledge and tools that will strengthen their ability to recognise and manage risks associated with water management.

Hydrological water management planning (3 days)

Designed for technical and engineering staff or middle to senior management with
project management or oversight responsibilities, this course explores effective water management planning from data collection principles and management to model selection, calibration and analysis. 

The aim of the course is to increase understanding of the key aspects of hydrological data collection, management and analysis for water planning, including river basin modelling.

The course incorporates aspects of hydrologic analysis including estimation of yields, flow forecasting, flow duration curves, hydrological routing, loss models, water balance, water resource simulation, data simulation and areas of uncertainty. The course duration is three days, with a mix of classroom training, scenario modelling, and assignments.

For more information, click here to download the course flyer.

Introduction to flood modelling (2 days)

Designed for technical and engineering staff or middle to senior management with project management or oversight responsibilities, this course provides an introduction to flood modelling from the causes of floods to issues with flood estimation and forecasting.

The aim of the course is to increase understanding of the challenges in modelling floods, basic flood frequency analysis, regional flood estimation
techniques and real-time forecasting.

The course covers the difficulties of estimating rare events, flood frequency estimation, hydrometric data interpretation, design floods and modelling floods. The course duration is two days, with a mix of classroom training, case studies and exercises.

For more information, click here to download the course flyer.

Environmental water management (3 days)

Design for waterway managers or developers with project management or oversight responsibilities, this course will facilitate effective environmental water management through the understanding of issues and risks associated with human intervention in waterways, potential management measures and monitoring requirements.

The course incorporates aspects of environmental water management including understanding the existing environment, identification and assessment of potential impacts and benefits, and management options (including monitoring) to minimise impacts.

The aim of the course is to increase understanding of the key aspects of environmental water management associated with all stages of a project’s lifecycle. The course duration is three days, with a mix of classroom training, workshops, and case studies.

For more information, click here to download the course flyer.

Hydrometric principles and practice (3 – 5 days)

This course provides an overview of the key principles involved in designing, installing, operating and maintaining a hydrometric network – regardless of its size and complexity.

The course aims to demonstrate the importance of a range of different data types
to assist in the operational, compliance and environmental requirements of water
businesses. It will provide details of site selection criteria, instruments and their
application, telemetry systems, survey requirements, operation and maintenance
activities, and extensive information concerning data management activities.
The course duration is three to five days, depending on the inclusion of practical
field visits.

For more information, click here to download the course flyer.

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