Building capabilities at home and abroad

15 April, 2013

Training offered by the Entura clean energy and water institute is proving beneficial for international and local energy and water businesses alike looking to up-skill.  Courses offered by the recently launched Institute are now in full swing, with a number of customised programs already delivered and a series of short courses coming up.

In March the Institute delivered hydro power development training in Vientiane, Laos with a focus on risks and analysis tools to support decision-making. The course included a site tour to the Theun Hinboun Power Company, where participants saw hydro power scheme components first-hand and discussed the key risks and issues managed at the site.

Also during March, a group of Bangladesh government officials were hosted at the Institute’s dedicated training facility at the Entura’s Cambridge office. Focussed on building the mini-hydro capabilities of participants, training provided an understanding of the mini-hydro development process and risks, as well as integration issues specific to renewables. Participants also saw assets in action at site visits around the state.

In early April a group of engineers and non-engineers joined together to undertake the Hydro Power Systems short course, where they learnt theoretical and practical aspects of hydro power systems and hydro power operation and maintenance. This was one of many open short courses being held at the Institute throughout the year, covering a full range of clean energy and water related fields.