Strategy and risk
Asset strategy, management and optimisation
Organisations that strive to get the best results from their assets, both now and for the future, adopt the right strategy to optimise the management of their infrastructure.
All technology and infrastructure needs regular and ongoing attention to stay efficient, reliable and safe. By developing and implementing the right asset management techniques, you will increase the likelihood of your assets being profitable, reliable, available and safely operated – and staying that way. A strategic investment in asset management will more than pay for itself through increased benefits and decreased risks.
Entura has learned much about managing assets for the long term through our ongoing day-to-day involvement with the extensive portfolio of power and water assets built and maintained over the last 100 years by Hydro Tasmania, Australia’s largest renewable energy producer and water manager.
We draw on this experience to work with clients throughout the Asia-Pacific region and Africa to develop appropriate asset solutions and strategies for their unique challenges, circumstances and goals.
We’ll offer you a sturdy foundation of hands-on insight that will strengthen your high-level asset management plans and filter right through to the daily practicalities of the best operation and maintenance techniques for your staff. We can work with your staff to increase skills and capability, so that you can be sure of sustainable results and ongoing improvement.
When we say we take a ‘whole of life’ approach, we mean that we combine our experience of designing, operating and maintaining assets to consider how to best manage your assets during all the phases of the asset lifecycle, right from the very beginnings of planning, through operation and maintenance, all the way to replacement, upgrade and end of life.
Our services include:
- asset management strategy (10-year and 30-year plans, asset criticality, asset risk, business applicable strategies, life-cycle costing)
- asset management plans (station asset management plans; individual assets or types)
- business case development
- due diligence investigations and reviews
- root cause analysis – including failure investigation
- reliability-centred maintenance (RCM)
- maintenance optimisation and integration services (asset breakdown structures; maintenance procedures)
- hazard and operability studies (HAZOP)
- condition monitoring and performance testing
- outage management
- training of operators and maintenance personnel.