Found 28 results for: feed
Entura India wins industry accolades
Entura’s India business has been singled out for excellence by that country’s peak energy body. The Indian Council of Power…
Entura completes Suma Park Dam upgrade in New South Wales
Specialist power and water consulting firm Entura has recently completed the Suma Park Dam upgrade in New South Wales, Australia, after developing an innovative solution to increase the height of the dam wall by three metres while maintaining regular operations.
Entura receives top accolades at 2023 Planning Excellence Awards Tasmania
Entura has received top accolades at the Tasmanian chapter of the Planning Institute of Australia’s 2023 Planning Excellence Awards. The…
Transmission and distribution infrastructure
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Entura line designers routinely tackle complex line crossings and deviations, line uprating and line compliance checks. Find out more about our experience
Data Management System
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An innovative and affordable system for collecting, storing and presenting your data. Find out how it can work for your business.
‘Sundown, sunrise’ or ‘reform or die’?
Thought Leadership Article
The Grattan Institute’s recently released report ‘Sundown, sunrise’ observes that household solar PV will soon be cost-competitive under existing tariff structures...
Finding the right value in dynamic modelling of renewables
Thought Leadership Article
What value can you derive for renewable energy projects through developing accurate models?
Are you investing in your most valuable asset?
Thought Leadership Article
There is banter doing the rounds of social media: One person asks, ‘What if we develop our people and they leave?’ The retort that quickly follows is, ‘What if we don’t develop our people and they stay?’
Six essentials for solar farm design
Thought Leadership Article
Is designing a solar farm child’s play… a simple matter of snapping some Lego together? Not if you’re after maximum efficiency, operability and value...
Forecasting for smarter flood solutions
Thought Leadership Article
Cities in flood-prone areas have much to gain from effective flood forecasting, because they have so much to lose through flood damage to property and business...
Winning over your solar farm community
Thought Leadership Article
Effective engagement can reduce community opposition to a solar farm, but, better yet, it has the potential to create a level of community support that results in locals themselves promoting it...
Hybrid renewables deliver sustainable, reliable power for Rottnest Island
Thought Leadership Article
Whether on-grid or off-grid, hybrid renewable energy systems offer exciting potential for achieving a sustainable and reliable power supply...
Safer dams are a matter of priority
Thought Leadership Article
Examples from around the world demonstrate the devastating consequences of dam failures. Safety must be every dam owner’s key concern, but how should action be prioritised across a large portfolio of dams?
New circumstances, new projects, new regulations
Thought Leadership Article
It’s a major challenge to keep an existing local project running during these tricky times (let alone an interstate or international project!), but how can we start new projects as the ground shifts around us and as regulations around Australia change?
Field investigations in remote locations - factors for success
Thought Leadership Article
Conducting field investigations in remote areas is no 'walk in the park'. On top of the investigation activities themselves, there are…
Monitoring tailing dams with unified data visualisation
Thought Leadership Article
This article is based on a recent presentation by Richard Lindqvist, a data integration specialist with Entura, at the ANCOLD…
Ten tips for developing your engineering career
Thought Leadership Article
From Baby Boomers to Gen Alpha, the generation names and characteristics come and go – but despite the changing working…
Getting the answers you need: Technical due diligence for vendors, buyers, lenders or insurers of renewable energy projects
Thought Leadership Article
Technical due diligence (TDD) for a renewable energy project evaluates the risks and opportunities associated with the project to establish…
Kuala Lumpur’s SMART flood detection and mitigation
Client: Gamuda Behad Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Date: October 2005 – September 2007 Instigating an innovative solution to forecast and…
Contact Energy, NZ – condition-based maintenance review
Client: Contact Energy Location: Clyde, New Zealand Date: July 2007 – November 2007 Reviewing hydropower asset management and maintenance programs…
Kiunga Power Station, PNG – 11 kV switchboard audit
Client: Ok Tedi Mining Limited Location: Kiunga, Papua New Guinea Date: September 2014 – November 2014 Identifying workable and cost-effective options…
Understanding the electromagnetic impacts of a new transmission circuit
Client: AusNet Services Location: Moorabool and Ballarat, Victoria, Australia Date: January – February 2015 A factual assessment of electric and magnetic…
Cathedral Rocks Wind Farm
Client: Hydro Tasmania / Roaring 40s / Acciona Energy (Oceana) Pty Ltd Location: South Australia, Australia Date: 2000 - 2007 Developing a wind…
Failure modes assessments for three multipurpose dams in the Philippines
Client: First Gen Hydro Power Corporation Location: Philippines Date: June - August 2017 Assessing dam failure modes to focus surveillance and mitigate risks for…
Nam Pha Gnai hydropower plant, Laos
Client: DSK Group Location: Laos Date: 2014–2019 Optimising a hydropower project for efficient, cost-effective construction Background With high annual rainfall, hilly terrain…
Client: Solomon Power Location: Honiara, Solomon Islands Date: Jan 2017 – June 2020 Feasibility studies and detailed design of a 66 kV…
Portable weather and camera station for TasParks
Client: Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania, Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service Location: Tasmania, Australia Date: Nov 2021 -…
Sunshine Coast solar farm SCADA upgrade
Client: Sunshine Coast Council Location: Sunshine Coast / Queensland Date: August 2023 - February 2024 Helping keep a solar farm's…