Australian Clean Energy Summit raises important themes for the energy transition

Entura’s Acting Managing Director Amanda Ashworth and Business Development Manager Patrick Pease attended the Australian Clean Energy Summit held in Sydney this week.

“It was heartening and inspiring to be among the more than 1600 delegates gathering to discuss solutions to expedite Australia’s clean energy transition,” said Amanda.

“I am always proud to reflect on the many ways in which Entura contributes to this crucial and urgent purpose – including supporting our clients with planning, environmental and social impact assessments, design, grid connection support, transmission and distribution solutions, due diligence, asset management, training and more.”

At the summit, CEO of Hydro Tasmania (Entura’s parent company) Ian Brooksbank was part of a panel discussing the critical importance of long-duration storage.

“Entura is lending significant expertise to progress Hydro Tasmania’s plans for more long-duration storage through a new pumped hydro scheme and a redevelopment of an aging hydropower scheme to operate more flexibly to match the needs of the National Electricity Market,” said Amanda.

“We are also supporting clients across Australia and the Indo-Pacific region with energy storage solutions including batteries and pumped hydro to unlock more wind and solar and increase the security and resilience of power systems.”

Getting projects out of the ground

Patrick noted a strong focus from developers on the many challenges and hurdles delaying the delivery of new generation and storage projects in Australia.

“We heard loud and clear that project proponents continue to be frustrated with the time and complexities involved in getting their projects through planning and approvals and achieving grid connection agreements,” he said. 

“In Australia, we are looking at close to a decade in some instances to get a project off the ground, so there’s simply no leeway for getting things wrong along the way. Project proponents should be seeking support from practitioners with a lot of real-world experience, deep understanding of the issues, and highly developed judgement to streamline complex processes as much as possible and avoid any rework.

“In this fast-moving sector, the judgement that grows from experience will be key to navigating uncertainties and maximising the chance of success.”

A fast but fair and positive transition

Amanda reflected that the urgency of the transition and the need to streamline approvals and accelerate delivery must not come at the expense of communities, the environment or integrity.

“Renewable energy projects will inevitably have some impacts, so how can we ensure that we minimise those impacts and find the right balance when compromises seem necessary?” she said.

“At this year’s summit, I observed greater maturity and nuance in discussions around social and environmental responsibility in the sector, with an increasing focus on moving beyond environmental offsets and towards achieving net positives and lasting benefits for nature and for communities,” she said.

“It’s important that the industry guards against simplistic equations in which local impacts of a renewables project are obscured or undervalued due to the project’s overarching benefits for climate change mitigation.

“We all need to recognise that every project is unique, that there are sometimes shades of grey, and that we should pause to ask the right questions and think very carefully about priorities.”

Pushing the limits

Amanda emphasised that a fast transition is essential but will “push the limits” of process, labour, expertise and materials.

“Our industry and policy makers should be looking to pull every possible lever,” says Amanda, “such as regional approaches, global collaboration, innovation and digitisation, and, of course, major investments in the talent pipeline.

Investing in technical capabilities and leadership capacity will be crucial for our sector to meet the challenges ahead, which is why Entura is putting great effort into attracting and retaining talent, supporting our people to grow, and sharing our knowledge with our regional neighbours through the Entura clean energy and water institute.”


Read more Entura insights into sustainable renewable energy and water projects in our series of thought leadership articles – and listen to our ‘Behind the Scenes’ podcasts to hear from our people.

Entura wins accolades at 2024 National Awards for Planning Excellence

Entura’s Environment & Planning Team has won the Stakeholder Engagement category at this year’s National Awards for Planning Excellence.

The team received the accolade alongside project lead Niche Studio and client Clarence City Council for their collaboration on a local area plan for Seven Mile Beach in southern Tasmania.

L-R: Darren Crombie, National President of the Planning Institute of Australia; Nicola Smith, Founding Director of Niche Planning Studio; Robyn Olsen, Lead Strategic Planner at Clarence City Council; Bunfu Yu, Senior Environmental Planner at Entura; and Tyler Agius, Director, State Facilitated Development, at the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works. Credit: Planning Institute of Australia, 2024

The group were commended by the judges for their proactive, tactical approach to overcoming an age-old planning challenge of engaging with community members who are often unable or unwilling to engage.

“The award is close to our team’s heart, as many of us live locally and enjoy recreational activities in and around the Seven Mile Beach community,” said Entura’s Senior Environmental Planner, Bunfu Yu.

“The partnership brought together Entura’s knowledge of the community and the physical environment with Niche Studio’s strategic planning and urban design expertise.”

The team’s unique approach to community engagement included conducting intercept surveys, which they had explored at a previous Planning Institute of Australia conference and were able to apply for the Seven Mile Beach Local Area Plan.

“Engaging with the communities you are planning for is a crucial part of creating liveable and sustainable futures,” said Bunfu.

“Engagement methods aren’t one size fits all. In this instance, intercept surveys allowed us to proactively engage with a broad section of the local community at places most intersected – the beach, coffee shop, local grocer, fuel station.”

The awards ceremony took place in Melbourne in late May, as part of the Planning Institute of Australia’s 2024 Planning Congress.

During the three-day event, Grace Elliott, Graduate Planner at Entura, was also selected to showcase her university thesis poster, ‘Exploring the Drivers, Barriers and Enablers of School-based Urban Greening in the Face of Climate Change’.

“Since her graduation, Grace has been working with the environmental approvals and social team on Hydro Tasmania’s Battery of the Nation initiative, as well as working within the social safeguards team making meaningful contributions to projects in the Federated States of Micronesia,” said Bunfu.  

“Planning is so diverse, and at Entura our planners have varying interests, but together they are making spaces and places better for communities locally, nationally and internationally.”

The award follows several years of successes at the Planning Institute of Australia Awards, with Entura’s Senior Environmental Planner, Bunfu Yu, recognised as 2023 Young Planner of the Year at the state and national levels. Bunfu also won the Outstanding Student Project award in the 2020 National Awards for Planning Excellence.

Entura celebrates biodiversity discoveries at Lagoon of Islands following restoration efforts

Entura is celebrating the return of a number of species of native fauna and flora to Tasmania’s Lagoon of Islands after more than 40 years.

Lagoon of Islands was dammed in 1964. The dam wall was removed in 2012 and rehabilitation efforts in the area began. Entura has been involved in its restoration since then, working alongside Hydro Tasmania to provide water quality and vegetation monitoring at the site.

Kevin Macfarlane, Entura’s Water Quality Consultant, who has been involved in the project from the start, said “After the dam wall came down and nature was left to run its course, the area began to rebound. It wasn’t long until I was finding zooplankton in the water I was sampling, which had returned rapidly and in abundance. I also found two large copepod species, which had only ever been found in two places before – a roadside puddle somewhere along South Arm, and a lagoon on Bruny Island.”

“The fact that these species sprang back with minimal intervention is a testament to how resilient these wetlands are, and the diversity of life they’re home to,” said Kevin.

The Australasian bittern, dubbed the ‘bunyip bird’ for its unique, gulping call, was recently heard in the area by bittern expert Geoff Shannon, who also spotted a mating pair with two chicks. With less than 1000 mature Australasian bitterns left in the wild, it marks a successful milestone for the lagoon’s recovery.

Australasian Bittern. Credit: By Imogen Warren – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

“The bittern is a nationally threatened species and there aren’t many records of them in Tasmania, but we know they were local to Lagoon of Islands before it was dammed,” said Raymond Brereton, Entura’s Team Leader of Environment and Planning.

“It’s exciting to see them return to the site, but particularly special to know they are breeding here again too.”

In addition to the return of the zooplankton and bittern, a plant that had previously formed a core part of the wetland’s reed mat, Baumea arthrophylla or ‘fine twig-sedge’, also began to recolonise the lagoon. With recovery efforts from Entura and Hydro Tasmania, the plant flourished, and in 2022 the wetland was declared self-sustaining and effectively rehabilitated.

The return of the bittern, zooplankton and copepods is testament to that, as is the rebound of several other plant and animal species, including Myriophyllum variifolium (variable water milfoil), Potamogeton cheesmanii (pondweed), Triglochin procera (water ribbons), Chorizandra enodis (black bristle sedge) and Ptunarra Brown butterflies (Oreixenica ptunarra).

“It was basically bare ground when we first started monitoring and now it’s almost 100% vegetation cover,” said Raymond. “We are fortunate to have observed its regeneration and are proud to have been part of facilitating that.”

Entura will continue to monitor the site to ensure its ongoing health.

Interim changes at Entura

Entura has announced changes within its management team, with long-standing Managing Director, Tammy Chu now appointed as Hydro Tasmania’s Interim Executive General Manager Construction and Dr Amanda Ashworth becoming Acting Managing Director for Entura. 

Tammy’s new role will see her leading the project delivery of Hydro Tasmania’s Battery of the Nation program as it progresses through crucial planning and design phases. “I’m excited to take on this new challenge, and after 13 years as Managing Director at Entura, I know I’ll miss working alongside the amazing team of people that drives the success of the business.  However, I’m not far away, and with the work involved with Battery of the Nation, I know I can rely on the Entura team to support and partner with us for success,” says Tammy. 

Tammy Chu (left) has been appointed Hydro Tasmania’s Interim Executive General Manager Construction, with Dr Amanda Ashworth (right) becoming Acting Managing Director for Entura.

Hydro Tasmania CEO, Ian Brooksbank said “this is a new role that recognises the critical importance of Battery of the Nation projects in our Purpose, Vision and Strategy with the next stage requiring even greater focus, strategic planning and coordination. Tammy is eminently qualified for the job.”  

Amanda has been with the business for 23 years and over that time has held a number of roles across Entura and been involved in project direction of major engineering projects. For the past five years she’s been part of Entura’s Executive Team, most recently as Director of Strategy, Sales and Commercial. She is well known for creating and driving the Entura clean energy and water institute (ECEWI) since its launch in 2012, which has delivered training to Entura’s clients nationally and internationally. Through ECEWI and other connections, Amanda has maintained a significant international profile across the Indo-Pacific. 

Of the appointment of Amanda, Ian commented “It’s fair to say that Amanda knows our business inside out and her contribution is significant across Entura’s strategic and operational frameworks and procedures.” 

The interim and acting roles are currently planned to end in December 2024. 

Entura’s Managing Director invited to Canberra for Filipino President’s address to Parliament

Entura’s Managing Director, Tammy Chu, travelled to Canberra last month to be present for the address to Parliament by the President of the Republic of Philippines, Ferdinand R Marcos Jr..  

Tammy was invited by the Speaker of the House of Representatives to attend the address. This comes as the result of Entura’s continued relationship with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, our attendance at recent international summits and talks such as the World Hydropower Congress, and Tammy’s involvement in sharing Entura’s sustainable energy mission with other global leaders to build reciprocal relations.  

During his address, President Marcos Jr. spoke to the challenges and issues facing both the Philippines and Australia, and our strength in facing these together.  

“We collaborate to strengthen and seek new business links, to bolster our economic security, and to develop responses to economic coercion. We work together to promote and enhance the flow of environmentally sustainable investment and to explore cooperation on mineral resources development and climate and energy transition,” he said.  

“Ultimately, our partnership finds its anchor in our common commitment to ensuring that this region keeps to the path of peace, builds resilience, remains focused on delivering dividends to our citizens and our communities.” 

He also spoke about the looming threat of climate change, saying: “My administration is committed to accelerating our just, affordable, sustainable, and inclusive energy transition towards carbon neutrality.” 

“The Philippines has the potential to be a net carbon sink, absorbing more carbon dioxide than we emit. Yet, we are one of the most climate-vulnerable countries in the world, ranking first in the 2023 World Risk Index. 

This glaring disproportion between our share of responsibility and our vulnerability reflects an injustice that must be corrected. Developed countries must do more. And they must do it now,” he said.  

“It was an honour to be invited to Parliament House to hear President Marcos Jr. deliver his address,” said Entura’s Managing Director, Tammy Chu.  

Entura is proud of our role in strengthening the relationship and collaboration between our two countries. We continue to support our clients in the region with their renewable energy developments and share knowledge through training programs delivered by our clean energy and water institute.”  

“As President Marcos Jr. expressed, the Philippines are committed to reaching carbon neutrality through a sustainable, inclusive, affordable, and just energy transition. We are equally committed to supporting them on this journey to achieve mutually beneficial economic, sustainability, environmental and social outcomes, and extend the Australia-Philippines relationship.”  

Entura has supported several dam and hydropower projects in the Philippines, including Bulanog Batang hydropower plant and a failure modes assessment for a series of multipurpose dams 

Entura celebrates successful delivery of power market training program

Entura is celebrating the success of its latest power market training program for international delegates, delivered through the Entura clean energy and water institute (ECEWI).  

Course participants with ECEWI Business Manager, Amanda Ashworth (centre).

The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) supported training was provided as part of the South Asia Regional Infrastructure Connectivity (SARIC) initiative managed by Palladium. Over the last two weeks, 20 engineers and executives with roles in the power sector from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Sri Lanka have participated in the course.

Networking and establishing mutually beneficial cross-country relationships are a key component of the SARIC initiative. To meet these objectives, ECEWI curated networking events in both Melbourne, Victoria and Hobart, Tasmania, with relevant industry figures. In Melbourne, this included Kane Thornton, Chief Executive of the Clean Energy Council and Mason Interlandi, Business Liaison and External Relations Officer from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Victorian State Office. While in Hobart, participants met with keynote speakers Roger Gill, Chair of TasNetworks and Marinus Link, Erin van Maanen, Executive General Manager of Strategy at Hydro Tasmania, Bess Clark, Senior Executive at TasRex and Michael Connarty, ACEN Australia’s Head of Operations and Trading. Both events included other invited guests from the power sector. Tasmanian State Director of DFAT, Ruth Baird, also welcomed and met with the delegates separately on site during their first training day in Hobart.

Back row, L-R: Entura’s Senior Consultant, Ajit Garg, Entura’s Technical Director, Power, Donald Vaughan, Hydro Tasmania’s Executive General Manager, Erin van Maanen, ACEN Australia’s Head of Operations and Trading, Michael Connarty, Chair of TasNetworks and Marinus Link, Roger Gill, and TasRex Senior Executive, Bess Clark. Front row, L-R: Palladium Group’s Director, International Development Programs, Farheen Khurrum and Entura’s Director, Sales, Strategy and Commercial and ECEWI Business Manager, Amanda Ashworth.

ECEWI’s program covered key power market topics including transmission and interconnection, power exchange market models, details of the Australian national electricity market, the changing nature of markets in a renewable energy future and the role of new interconnection, the factors involved in participating operating and participating in those markets, and the importance of environment, social and governance principles for new generation and transmission. Time was also spent on covering the South Asian context in particular, the status and progress in each country and the opportunities and challenges in increasing interconnection and establishing power exchange markets in the region. The sessions were delivered by Entura’s most experienced power specialists, as well as guests from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), the University of Tasmania, Hydro Tasmania, Momentum Energy, Marinus Link and a practising lawyer in the Australian power sector.

The program also included a Welcome to Country and Walk on Country. This provided delegates with an important understanding of some of lutruwita / Tasmania’s First Nations history and cultures, with some reflecting on the value of an indigenous perspective also applicable in their home countries.

“The training provided participants with a deeper understanding of the Australian power market, but most importantly, how its regulations, processes and components can be applied to the sector in their home countries,” said ECEWI’s Program Coordinator, Leesa deGroot.

“For example, the learnings about Basslink and the proposed Marinus Link undersea cables are directly applicable for those from Sri Lanka and India, with the two countries positioned to explore similar interconnectivity opportunities.”

“We thank everyone who was involved in making this training happen and are proud to have again delivered a successful and valuable course for SARIC,” she said.

Amanda Ashworth, ECEWI’s Business Manager and Entura’s Director, Sales, Strategy and Commercial, added, “building networks and connections are such important ways to share knowledge, and to help pave the way for future collaborations. I am truly excited about what this talented group of people can achieve within and between their respective organisations and nations. I know it is a challenge to create connectivity and markets in a region where the scale is enormous and the task seems insurmountable. I trust them to take the lessons from Australia, including what is not applicable, and that they will work to the end goal of prosperity and sustainability in their communities.

In the face of a changing energy landscape, this training provided participants with the opportunities to learn and grow in ways that can make them leaders in their fields and continue to work together step by step to shape the future.”

Entura receives top accolades at 2023 Planning Excellence Awards Tasmania

Entura has received top accolades at the Tasmanian chapter of the Planning Institute of Australia’s 2023 Planning Excellence Awards.

The ‘Stakeholder Engagement’ category was won by Niche Planning Studio and Entura’s Environment and Planning Team, for their joint work on the Seven Mile Beach Local Area Plan. The plan was delivered for their Tasmanian client, Clarence City Council, who was also recognised for the award.

“This win is meaningful and important to the project team and to our client, as it recognises the use of an innovative community engagement method to best meet the needs of our client, and of the community,” said Entura’s Senior Environmental Planner, Bunfu Yu.

“It goes to show how collaboration and knowledge-sharing can lead to success for all parties.”

L-R: Entura’s Water Management Team Leader, Scott Lobdale, Niche Planning Studio’s Director, Nicola Smith, and Entura’s Senior Environmental Planner, Bunfu Yu.

The team took a unique approach to community engagement for the work, conducting what are known as intercept surveys. This was a method they had learnt at a previous Planning Institute of Australia conference, which they put into practice for the Seven Mile Beach Local Area Plan.

“The more general approaches to community outreach are town hall meetings, drop-in sessions, or online surveys. These methods have been used for a long time and while are still successful, there are challenges in engaging with people who may otherwise not have time to participate,” Bunfu explained.

“By contrast, the intercept surveys involved getting out and about in the community. By keeping the questions succinct and uniform, we joined people for their daily beach walk, coffee run, while waiting for their golf tee-off time or in line to pay for groceries, and this led to engagement with a much broader cross-section of the community.”

“Despite keeping the conversations short, the team were able to harness a lot of crucial themes about the community’s thoughts and concerns for the area’s long-term growth. For this particular project, we increased our reach to more than 25% of the community.”

“We are really proud of our partnership with Niche Planning Studio on these strategic planning projects for various local governments, which generally always have a vital community consultation component,” said Bunfu.  

“As consultants, we are privileged to be able to genuinely work with communities and hear their feedback, and convert the feedback into meaningful actions that our client [Clarence City Council] can consider for their next budget or their next development of strategic documents, and together plan for more sustainable and liveable communities.”

Entura was also involved in other parts of the Seven Mile Beach Local Area Plan, including terrestrial ecological surveys by our in-house senior ecologists, while the Water Management Team provided advice on stormwater and groundwater management.

“This project is important to the community to guide the growth of the beachside village, while respecting the sense of ownership and sharing in the pride of the community. The team developed a vision based on community feedback, and the local area plan provides positive and sustainable planning directions for the future of the town, with a focus on social cohesion through quality urban design and vibrant public spaces,” Bunfu said of the work.

Community consultation and engagement are integral components of strategic and statutory planning processes. The opportunity to have meaningful and participatory discussion develops and nurtures relationships and builds trust. No one size fits all, and consultation programs and methodologies should be tailored to best fit the community. As well as the strategic planning projects that Entura have partnered with Niche Planning Studio on in Tasmania, the team are also experienced in consultation for renewable energy and infrastructure projects across the country.



Entura welcomes visit from India’s High Commissioner to Australia

Entura recently welcomed a visit from India’s High Commissioner to Australia, Mr Manpreet Vohra, and Consulate General of India, Melbourne, Dr Sushil Kumar.

The pair travelled to Hobart, Tasmania, last week, where they met with Entura’s Managing Director, Ms Tammy Chu, Director of Strategy, Sales and Commercial, Dr Amanda Ashworth, and Senior Consultant, Mr Ajit Garg.

L-R: Dr Sushil Kumar, Mr Manpreet Vohra, Ms Tammy Chu, Dr Amanda Ashworth and Mr Ajit Garg

“It was a pleasure to meet Mr Vohra and Dr Kumar during their visit to Tasmania,” said Tammy. “It was a great opportunity to further strengthen our close relationship with India, and discuss how we can support one another in achieving our mutual clean energy goals.”

“I have been privileged to be involved in furthering the India–Australia relationship through several events this year, as a member of the Australian Senior Business Delegation to India and a subsequent Roundtable with business leaders in Sydney. I am also now on the Australia–India CEO Forum’s Energy, Resources, Net Zero and Critical Minerals Joint Working Group.”

“These opportunities have been realised through Entura’s close work with India,” said Tammy. “We have forged relationships with government officials across the country and within Australia over many years. Entura is an excellent example of how India and Australia can support each other towards our clean energy goals and the path towards net zero.”

Entura has had a physical presence in India for 17 years, through the Entura office in New Delhi. The highly skilled India team consults to clients throughout South and South-East Asia, as well as contributing to Australian projects.

Entura has also delivered successful exchange programs, training workshops and capacity-building initiatives in India through the Entura clean energy and water institute (ECEWI). This includes dam safety training for India’s Central Water Commission as part of its Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP), and the South Asia Regional Infrastructure Connectivity Framework – an Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade initiative.

“Developing a skilled workforce is such an important part of the clean energy journey, and we’ve been able to provide knowledge sharing and capability building to our partners in India to achieve this,” said Amanda.

“Lifting the capability of the industry’s current and future professionals is a critical part of ensuring ongoing sustainability of the power and water sectors, and there’s much we can share with – and learn from – our international counterparts.”



Entura experts reflect on the Symphony of the Renewables World Wind Energy Conference 2023

Experts and thought leaders from Australia and overseas came together this month for the 21st World Wind Energy Conference (WWEC), held in Hobart, Tasmania.

This year’s theme was ‘Symphony of the Renewables’, highlighting the advantages of integrating wind power with other renewable energy sources and storage solutions. It was the first WWEC held in Australia since 2005.

As an avid player in the wind power sector, Entura was represented at the conference by our Director, Strategy, Sales and Commercial, Dr Amanda Ashworth, and Senior Principal, Renewables and Energy Storage, Dr Andrew Wright. Our Principal Renewable Energy Engineer, Ray Massie, was also in attendance, giving a presentation on ‘The rapid growth in off-grid hybrid systems in Australia and Pacific’.

“When Hydro Tasmania started deploying renewables into remote off-grid power systems, there were few if any prior examples to turn to, so we were pioneers,” said Ray.

“When we started this journey there were many questions around system reliability and availability, power quality, protection system and operational complexity, to name a few. We pushed through the technical challenges to create world-leading examples of how zero-diesel operations can be achieved in remote locations.

“It’s exciting to see the progress that has been achieved since those first forays, and to see off-grid hybrid systems at large scale now being deployed on a fully commercial basis.”

King Island Renewable Energy Hub, one of Hydro Tasmania’s first off-grid renewables systems.

Entura’s parent company, Hydro Tasmania, also had a presence at the event, with CEO Ian Brooksbank and Executive General Manager Strategy, Erin van Maanen, both among the 25 keynote speakers.

“Sitting in that room made me proud to be part of Entura, and the wider Hydro Tasmania,” Amanda reflected. “Our people are incredibly talented and have made a significant contribution to renewable energy projects in Australia and internationally. It’s a testament to the expertise we’ve developed and shared between both businesses.”

“It also made me proud to be a Tasmanian,” she added. “Several of the keynote speakers were people who had once been involved with Hydro Tasmania in some way, or were fellow Tasmanians. Some of the first wind farm developments in Australia – King Island, Flinders Island, Woolnorth – happened in Tasmania. We’re a state that’s already achieved net-zero, and have been fully powered by renewable energy thanks to our hydro-electricity and wind projects.

“It’s a special thing to share everything we’ve learned over this journey with others in the industry, and demonstrates what’s achievable when we all invest in the right areas.”

The conference provided opportunities for discussions around integration, talent pipeline, and what’s needed to phase out coal generation in favour of renewable energy sources. The magnitude of the task was laid out clearly, with social and environmental considerations, transmission challenges, and workforce challenges, however, the benefits of investing in wind power for a net-zero future are paramount.  

“One of the things that stood out to me during the conference was the enormity of the mission to replace coal,” said Amanda. “The task can feel paralysing and overwhelming, but the reminder was – as this year’s theme makes clear – it can be achieved if we integrate these renewable energy sources and storage solutions.”

“Achieving net-zero won’t fall to just one type of clean energy investment – it will require a mix of technologies, skilled people, and harnessing the right opportunities as they arise. And we must do so with environment, social, and governance principles in mind and ensure we engage with stakeholders in a meaningful way,” she said. 

“There are concerns in the industry around the time it can take to develop and commission a renewable energy project and, while there is an imperative to support a faster transition, we absolutely need to ensure sustainability and active community engagement.”

Andrew also explored the opportunities and challenges for the energy industry following the conference. Putting his musings in a thought leadership article, he outlined the need for a collaborative, industry-wide approach rather than a zero-sum project-vs-project approach, to meet ambitious renewable energy targets.

Additionally, acknowledging the costs of the net-zero mission, he emphasised: “this is a once-in-a-lifetime rebuilding of our electricity system into something that is more reliable than we currently have, ready for the future, and cleaner and better for our towns and communities and the wider world”.



Entura crunches the numbers to better understand Tasmania’s West Coast rainfall

This week, two of Entura’s water specialists presented at the Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium of Engineers Australia’s National Committee on Water Engineering, which was held in Sydney over 13-15 November.

Their study focused on better understanding extreme rainfall events affecting Bastyan Dam, a Hydro Tasmania dam located on the Pieman River on the West Coast of Tasmania.

“All dams need to be regularly reassessed in terms of their risk position,” said Ben James, Graduate Water Engineer. “An important part of this assessment is ensuring that the dam can withstand floods and other extreme weather events.”

“It’s vital to continually revisit our projections of rare rainfalls using contemporary methods so that we can understand whether the dam’s design and condition remain safe.”

Bastyan Dam has a catchment area of approximately 1,400 km2. It is located in the only area where the standard methods applied elsewhere in Australia to estimate probable maximum precipitation cannot be used. This is because of the uniqueness of the West Coast of Tasmania in terms of its weather patterns compared to the rest of the continent, and the sparseness of rain gauges in the region.

Spatial distribution of available rain gauge data.

Without a standard method to apply, Entura’s team looked closely at the rainfalls at a number of key sites within or near the catchment where historical rainfall data was available. Together with Rory Nathan from the University of Melbourne, they applied a sophisticated statistical analysis leading to a projection of the potential rainfall and its distribution, frequency, and level of uncertainty.

“This was less straightforward than it might sound and we had to be pragmatic,” said Ben.

“We were working with data from 443 sites and gauges, some of which had been read daily and some of which provided continuous data. Some of these records extended back as far as 1880, others were from ghost towns created by the boom-and-bust cycle of mining in the area. Many sites had significant data gaps where records were missing. To maximise the amount of useable information, we processed and checked an enormous amount of data, including disaggregating multi-day rainfall totals to make them comparable to single-day totals, and assessing whether some of the incomplete datasets were still useful to include. This process required weeks of intensive work.”

“The detailed examination of historical rainfall performed for the West Coast region has increased our confidence in the outcomes of the Bastyan study, and the assessed long-term safety of the dam,” he said.

The paper presented at the Sydney symposium is the first part of a longer project. The second stage of the work involves the use of these estimates and other inputs to obtain probable maximum precipitation estimates by statistical analysis. This part of the work is nearing completion.

“We’ve just got to the point of getting results for the study,” said Ben. “This has been very exciting; following months of work to derive inputs for the analysis, we’re finally getting a feel of what the outcomes might be for the dam.”

The paper presented at the conference is Regional Rainfall Frequency Analysis for Tasmania’s West Coast, by Ben James, Prafulla Pokhrel and Rory Nathan.



Entura proudly contributes hydropower insights and expertise at World Hydropower Congress

Entura has shared valuable hydropower insights and expertise at the 2023 World Hydropower Congress in Indonesia.

From 31 October to 2 November, more than 1000 decision-makers, energy experts and industry leaders from 50 countries came together in Bali to discuss hydropower’s role in powering sustainable growth. Panels, workshops and networking events explored everything from market frameworks to financing and hydropower’s role in decarbonisation.

Upon the opening of the event, Indonesian President HE Joko Widodo said, “I hope this congress will help with international collaboration for sustainable hydropower to help develop a sustainable green global economy.”

The congress provided a stage for high-level policy statements, recommendations, and commitments to further sustainable hydropower. This included the launch of the Hydropower Sustainability Alliance, which is designed to enhance transparency in the sector

The Bali Statement on Powering Sustainable Growth was released at the congress, calling for sustainable hydropower to be the backbone of national strategies to build thriving, low-carbon economies, bolstered by clean, renewable energy. It was proudly supported by both Entura and Hydro Tasmania.

Attendees included Entura’s Managing Director, Tammy Chu, and Director of Sales, Strategy and Commercial, Dr Amanda Ashworth, as well as Hydro Tasmania CEO Ian Brooksbank, and Program Manager, Battery of the Nation ESG and Approval, Donna Brown.

Tammy facilitated a panel discussion on ‘Transforming the hydropower workforce for a just transition’, which explored opportunities and challenges in securing the next-generation workforce to deliver a hydropower resurgence.

“A major challenge for the clean energy sector is ensuring that we will have enough skilled workers to enable the mammoth task ahead, while also ensuring that no one is left behind and the transition is both fast and fair,” she said.

Ian participated in a session on powering the clean energy transition in East Asia and the Pacific, which included updates and country profiles from local experts.

The World Hydropower Congress also marked the end of Roger Gill’s tenure as President of the International Hydropower Association. The baton has now been passed to former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

Four key deliverables were met during the congress. These include:

  • reaching consensus on policy and finance recommendations for advancing the clean energy transition to deliver COP28
  • breaking down barriers to the development of renewables by advancing policy and investment-driven solutions
  • demonstrating how complementary renewable technologies can be harnessed to fast-track the shift away from coal
  • highlighting the immense untapped hydropower potential that exists in many regions of the world, particularly Asia and Africa.

“It was a highlight for me to meet our clients and industry peers, and create shared experiences at the congress. The hydropower industry has many challenges and opportunities that it needs to work with, and this event has helped us all to focus on the priorities and solutions,” said Amanda. 

With Entura’s unique asset-owner heritage as part of Hydro Tasmania, our history is steeped in hydropower. We have supported hydropower developments in South and South East Asia, the Pacific, Africa and Australia, across all stages of the project lifecycle.




Entura specialist shares insight into importance of pumped hydro storage for renewable transition

Richard Herweynen, Entura’s Technical Director, Water, has shared insights into the importance of pumped hydro storage for the renewable energy transition in an article for International Water Power & Dam Construction magazine. 

Titled ‘Pumped storage: Powering a sustainable future’, the article features a Q&A with Richard, where he outlines some of the main advantages of pumped hydro storage, the economic benefits, and key considerations for planning, designing, and operating pumped storage facilities. 

Read the article here


Celebrating the success of the Entura clean energy and water institute’s latest dam safety program

The Entura clean energy and water institute is celebrating the success of its latest dam safety training program for an international delegation.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade-supported training was delivered as part of the South Asia Regional Infrastructure Connectivity (SARIC) initiative. Over the last two weeks, 21 senior engineers and executives with roles in water and hydropower organisations from the government and private sector in India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka, have taken part in the tailored course.

The group travelled to Hobart, Tasmania for the program, which included both classroom learning and several on-site visits to Tasmania’s key dams and hydropower assets, including Trevallyn, Miena, Meadowbank, Upper Reservoir and Craigbourne dams, and Poatina Power Station.

Over the course of two weeks, they were taught industry-leading dam safety principles and practice from some of Entura’s most experienced dams specialists. This included sessions by our Director, Water, Richard Herweynen, our Senior Principal, Dams & Headworks, Paul Southcott, Dr Tapan Mukhopadhyay, our India-based Principal Consultant, Geotechnical Engineering, and Team Leader, Dams & Geotech, Mike Budahazy.

They also took part in networking sessions with representatives from TasWater, Hydro Tasmania, the Tasmanian Department of State Growth, Tas Irrigation and UGL, among others.

“We’re proud to celebrate another successful training through Entura’s dedicated training arm, the Entura clean energy and water institute,” said ECEWI Project Coordinator, Leesa deGroot.

“Not only did participants learn invaluable skills to support capability building in their respective organisations and regions, they also had the opportunity to connect with key dam asset owners in Tasmania and build international networks.”

Participants with Entura’s Principal Consultant, Dr Tapan Mukhopadhyay (far left) and Director, Strategy, Sales and Commercial, Dr Amanda Ashworth (far right).

In closing the program, Dr Amanda Ashworth, Entura’s Director, Sales, Strategy and Commercial, and ECEWI’s Business Manager, acknowledged the active participation and passion of the attendees that helps “build our person-to-person relationships, as well as between our organisations and our nations”.

“The program was not simply about individual skills uplift, it is an investment in the future of the participating organisations and countries and the long-term regional resilience and protection of assets, environment, and people in those catchments,” she said.

Reflecting on the experience, Mr Gali Srinivasulu, who is the Deputy Director of the National Water Academy in Pune, India, said: “The cross-cultural exchanges, networking opportunities and camaraderie during the welcome reception and other gatherings were invaluable. It’s not just the knowledge we gained, but the connections we formed that made this program so special.”

“The organisation, presentation, and overall facilitation of the program were outstanding. The dedication of the hosts and the diligence of the facilitators was evident in every aspect, from the technical sessions to the excursions.”

Another participant, Mr Samir Kumar Shukla, the Director of India’s Central Water Commission, added: “The last two weeks will always be etched in our memory and the knowledge gained during the period will be a real asset that we will carry through our professional career. We also salute team Entura with the utmost respect for their warmth and care.”

Entura has delivered training through ECEWI for over ten years. During that time, it has delivered over 150 training programs to power and water clients in Australia and internationally. This includes dam safety training for the Malaysian National Committee on Large Dams (MYCOLD), dam safety training for local Tasmanian utilities, and close relationships with Bangkok’s Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and Kuala Lumpur’s Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), among others.

Find out more about Entura’s customised training offerings here. Learn more about the SARIC program through their website and LinkedIn. SARIC is funded by the Australian Government and is implemented by the World Bank, IFC, Palladium and ASI. Training and networking services under SARIC are managed by Palladium.



Entura celebrates hydropower day, today and every day

On 11 October, Entura is proud to celebrate Global Hydropower Day and shine a light on the positive impacts of sustainable hydropower around the world.

As a member of the International Hydropower Association (IHA) and as part of Hydro Tasmania, Entura deeply understands and values the role of hydropower in powering communities, growing economies and fuelling the clean energy transition.

Tammy Chu, Managing Director of Entura, is Vice-President of the IHA. She is an international advocate for hydropower and continuously works to provide a voice for Tasmania and Australia in shaping and guiding the IHA’s work at this crucial time in the global clean energy transition. 

“I’ve been passionate about hydropower since I first visited Tasmania’s Gordon Dam as an undergraduate engineering student,” says Tammy. “I was awestruck by the size of the infrastructure and what it was doing, and had done, for Tasmania.”

She says, “Living in Tasmania helped me to recognise that hydropower is a marvel and can be a transformative force: that by harnessing the incredible power of water, hydropower can grow economies and improve quality-of-life for communities throughout the world, just as it did for Tasmania over the last century.

“It is deeply satisfying to reflect on the very long, productive lives that existing hydropower assets can have with the right stewardship. In Tasmania, we see this combination of long-term value and new potential every day in our state’s hydropower system.”

Entura is currently supporting Hydro Tasmania’s Battery of the Nation with a range of expertise and services. This includes preparation for a potential redevelopment of the Tarraleah hydropower scheme and technical studies for new pumped hydro at Lake Cethana in the state’s north-west.

Entura is also supporting hydropower and pumped hydro projects throughout Australia and the Indo-Pacific region, including flagship projects such as Genex Power’s 250 MW Kidston Pumped Hydro Storage Project in Queensland, which is the first pumped hydro to be constructed in Australia for 40 years.

“It is really only hydropower and pumped hydro that can offer the deep, long-duration storage to meet peak demand and stabilise the grid as the clean energy transition gathers pace,” says Tammy.

In November, Tammy will participate in the World Hydropower Congress in Bali, along with Ian Brooksbank, CEO of Hydro Tasmania.

“I’m thrilled to advance fundamental and urgent international discussion about hydropower’s role in fast-tracking the clean energy transition and powering sustainable growth around the world,” she says.

“The San José Declaration on Sustainable Hydropower and the Sustainability Assessment Protocol are just some of the initiatives through which the IHA is leading the conversation,” she says, “and we look forward to seeing the Bali Statement on Powering Sustainable Growth endorsed at the Congress.”

Read about Entura’s hydropower services and more hydropower projects, such as the Bulanog Batang hydropower project in the Philippines and the Nam Pha Gnai hydropower plant in Laos.

Explore our thought leadership articles here, which include many on topics of sustainable hydropower, pumped hydro and asset management.

Watch excerpts from Entura’s 2022 Global Hydropower Day webinar – from Rajeev Raina (Resident Director, India), Donald Vaughan (Technical Director – Power), and Amanda Ashworth (Director of Sales, Strategy and Commercial).



Farewelling Colin Hepher after more than 40 years with Entura

Entura is saying farewell to Specialist Electrical Consultant Colin Hepher, who is hanging up his hard hat and retiring after almost 42 years at the business.

Colin (left) onsite in Malaysia, 2018. 

Colin joined the business as a Trainee Technical Officer, having spent much of his childhood at Tarraleah in Tasmania’s central highlands where his father worked for Entura’s parent company, Hydro Tasmania.

He started in the protection and test department, before moving into a project group where he travelled around Tasmania for 14 years testing and commissioning projects in substations or power stations

In 2000, he joined Entura’s design team for protection and control as a Senior Design Technician. During his career, he has worked on projects for Brisbane’s Powerlink, a protection and control system refurbishment for Malaysia’s Batang Ai hydropower station, Tasmania’s Gordon member 3 machine, Anthony Scheme and the number 1 and 2 machines at Hydro Tasmania’s Reece Power Station. He has also regularly provided consulting services for protection and control projects for TasNetworks.

“Reflecting on my career and achievements, it’s difficult to name one standout moment,” says Colin. “There have been many highlights, and they all stand out for different reasons.”

“I have been very fortunate to work with some very talented people. I’ve formed many relationships over some 40 years, and they are all deeply valued, especially with those whom I’ve worked with closely on a daily basis.”

“This organisation has always been one of opportunity for personal growth and diverse experiences, where you can expand your career in many directions thanks to the multitude of projects and ever-changing nature of the energy business,” he adds. 

“I’m forever grateful for the culture of supporting others, for the mentoring I received, and, in turn, the mentoring I have been able to provide to the next generation of professionals.”

“There’s no better evidence that Entura is a great place to work and grow one’s career than the retention of many highly valued Enturans who have remained with the business for decades – all the while staying abreast of change in our industry and continuing to lead in their fields,” says Tammy Chu, Entura’s Managing Director.

“Colin’s long contribution to Entura and the Hydro Tasmania business is extraordinary. He has played an important role in maintaining the safety and reliability of Tasmania’s power systems over many years, and we wish him all the best for a healthy and happy retirement.”

Entura supports international capability development through dam safety training

Entura will be delivering tailored dam safety training for an international delegation next month, supported by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

The 10-day dam safety training course will take place in Hobart, Tasmania, from October 2-13. It is part of the South Asia Regional Infrastructure Connectivity (SARIC) initiative, formed and funded by the Australian Government in 2019.

The delegation comprises 21 senior engineers and executives from India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka from the government and private sector, with roles in water and hydropower organisations.

Entura’s dedicated training arm, the Entura clean energy and water institute (ECEWI), will deliver the training, drawing on the technical expertise of their engineering staff.

“We are proud to be part of this important Australian Government initiative to promote sustainability, economic growth and lasting benefits to communities through safe energy and water infrastructure,” said ECEWI’s Project Coordinator, Leesa deGroot.

“Entura has excellent educational capacities and we have delivered numerous successful training programs via ECEWI, drawing on the expertise of our people and industry-leading practices.

This program exemplifies our commitment to support capability building for global partners, share dam safety knowledge, and foster networks to produce a long-lasting community.”

The course will be delivered by several of Entura’s dam specialists, including Richard Herweynen, our Director, Water, Paul Southcott, our Senior Principal, Dams & Headworks and Dr Tapan Mukhopadhyay, our India-based Principal Consultant, Geotechnical Engineering.

The Australian National Committee on Large Dams (ANCOLD) Deputy Chairman, Angus Swindon, will also deliver a special welcome address.

The program covers an array of dam safety principles in Australian, South Asian, and Southeast Asian contexts, and global sustainability guidelines. Delegates will visit several key Hydro Tasmania sites as part of the training, including Trevallyn, Miena, and Meadowbank Dams. 

“Sharing knowledge about how to safely operate dams is important for protecting assets and communities and creates opportunities to ensure future developments and upgrades are undertaken with improved safety in mind” said Dr Amanda Ashworth, Entura’s Director of Sales, Strategy and Commercial, and ECEWI Business Manager.

“Lifting the capability of your people and creating a skilled engineering workforce is a critical part of ensuring ongoing sustainability of the power and water sectors,” she said. 

Entura has delivered training through ECEWI for over ten years. During that time, it has delivered 150 training programs to power and water clients in Australia and internationally. This includes dam safety training for the Malaysian Committee on Large Dams (MYCOLD), dam safety training for local Tasmanian utilities, and close relationships with Bangkok’s Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and Kuala Lumpur’s Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), among others.

Find out more about Entura’s customised training offerings here, and the SARIC program through their website and LinkedIn.

Entura expertise and contributions recognised at engineering excellence awards

One of Entura’s engineers has received the top accolade in the Tasmanian chapter of the Australian Engineering Excellence Awards for his contribution to renewable energy developments and dam safety over his 30 year career. David Gerke, a principal civil engineer at Entura, was named Professional Engineer of the Year. David will now represent Tasmania at the national Australian Engineering Excellence Awards later in the year.

The Australian Engineering Excellence Awards (AEEA) identify, recognise and reward outstanding achievement in the practice of engineering and service to the profession, promoting industry excellence across engineering projects and professionals, and highlighting the significant contribution engineering makes to communities.

“David is highly valued and respected by all his colleagues at Entura and has made substantial contributions to the development of sustainable renewable energy and water projects in Tasmania, mainland Australia and throughout the Indo-Pacific,” said Tammy Chu, Entura’s Managing Director.

“David is highly deserving of recognition for his lifetime achievement across hydropower, dams, water management, wind farms and a range of associated civil engineering activities.

He has demonstrated an exceptional ability to broker solutions that balance the needs of clients, stakeholders, the environment and communities. His mix of professional experience and personal qualities makes him an outstanding role model and example for the engineering profession and we’re incredibly proud to have him as part of our Entura team.”

David said, of winning the award, “I am very honoured to be recognised for my contribution to the engineering industry through 32 years of project work, teaching and mentoring, and for my voluntary humanitarian contributions in remote communities in Vanuatu.”

“I’m proud to have played a role in the development of Tasmania’s wind farms, and in creating and maintaining safe dam and hydropower infrastructure that not only meets our clients’ immediate needs, but also builds a healthier, safer and more sustainable future in Australia and around the world.”

“While this is an individual award, my achievements also reflect the expertise, innovation and professionalism of my many colleagues at Entura,” said David.

David is currently project managing upgrade works at Lake King William to prepare for redevelopment of the Tarraleah hydropower scheme to participate optimally in the changing energy market and support integration of more renewables as part of Hydro Tasmania’s ‘Battery of the Nation’ initiative.

This project is fundamental both to Tasmania’s Renewable Energy Action Plan and to the decarbonisation of Australia’s National Electricity Market.

Entura’s contribution to Tonga’s clean energy journey was also celebrated at the awards as a nominee of the Project of the Year.  The Tonga Renewable Energy Project (TREP) targets the energy needs of eight separate islands, contributing substantially towards clean energy targets and enabling further investment. TREP will rapidly shift Tonga’s current 90% dependence on diesel generation to a lower carbon and more climate-resilient electricity system, as well as provide increased electricity access for marginalised populations on outer islands.

Entura has been well represented at the awards in previous years, with a number of individuals and projects reaching the finals or winning awards, including winning the Professional Engineer of the Year (Richard Herweynen, Donald Vaughan, Seth Langford, Paul Southcott) and Young Professional Engineer of the Year (Lyndon Johnson) and winning in the project category for our work on Meander Dam.


Entura power expert provides Australian perspective on energy transition to global peers

Entura’s Technical Director Power, Donald Vaughan, presented this week at the global CIGRE Symposium in Cairns, Queensland.

CIGRE is a global community of thousands of power systems professionals from over 90 countries. CIGRE hosts an extensive range of local and international events, fostering engagement and knowledge sharing to strengthen electrical expertise and systems across the globe.

The theme of the 2023 CIGRE Symposium was the end-to-end electricity system – including transition, development, operation and integration – and the changes that are necessary to move towards the sustainable power systems of the future.

“The overarching theme of the symposium is the urgency of the transition of our electricity systems towards net zero,” said Donald, “and it’s important that global experts pool their experiences and act decisively to overcome the technological and economic issues involved in this crucial clean energy transformation.”

Donald’s presentation provided an Australian perspective on the role of hydropower and storage technologies in supporting increased variable renewable energy, such as wind and solar PV.

“As we move from predominantly dispatchable sources of power to more variable renewable energy, there is a growing need for firming and/or storage in our power system,” said Donald.

“In the Australian context, the storage required is expected to be around 46 GW by 2050, and it is likely that conventional hydropower as well as pumped hydro and battery energy storage systems can play a role.

“My paper explored how the storage capability of conventional hydro can aid the energy transition and capture value in markets with frequent power supply surpluses and potentially shorter and less-frequent periods of deficit, given that hydro schemes can retain or delay energy release and provide much-needed flexibility in dispatch.

“There will also be a significant role for pumped hydro and battery storage in the clean energy transition. Their contribution will depend on several factors including the amount and composition of variable renewable energy relative to conventional hydropower, the level of demand in the system, and the interconnection capacity,” he said.

Donald’s analysis was based on examples from the hydropower-dominated Tasmanian power system, which has already achieved 100% renewable energy and has a target of 200% renewables by 2040. With increased interconnection to mainland Australia, Tasmania is expected to be able to provide even more clean energy and storage to support the transition of Australia’s National Electricity Market (NEM) as the country navigates the progressive retirement of the coal fleet.

“Tasmania has the potential to act as a giant battery for Australia, drawing on the flexibility, fast response and storage capacity of hydropower,” said Donald.

Entura is part of Hydro Tasmania, and is helping to deliver Hydro Tasmania’s ‘Battery of the Nation’ initiative, which aims to repurpose an aging hydropower station to operate more flexibly and to add new pumped hydro and interconnection to support the transition of Australia’s National Electricity Market.

Read a summary of Donald’s paper

Entura welcomes appointment of Malcolm Turnbull as new President Designate of International Hydropower Association

Entura welcomes the appointment of former Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, as the new President of the International Hydropower Association (IHA).

Mr Turnbull will be taking on the position from October 31, where he will be formally inducted during the opening session of the 2023 World Hydropower Congress.

He will replace Roger Gill, who has held the position since 2019. Mr Gill has been a long-time Board member of the IHA and is company director for Pacific Hydro.

As a specialist in water energy solutions, Entura has enjoyed a close relationship with the International Hydropower Association for several years. Entura’s Managing Director, Tammy Chu, has been a longstanding Board member and IHA Vice President since 2019.

“It has been a pleasure to work alongside Roger Gill during his IHA Presidency,” said Ms Chu. “He has been an inspiring leader and I am proud of what we’ve achieved over the last four years of his Presidency.”

“I am delighted that the baton is now being passed to my fellow Australian and equally dedicated figure in the hydropower space, Malcolm Turnbull. Mr Turnbull’s appointment as IHA President is a testament to Australia’s commitment to hydropower and the important role it plays in the global renewable energy transition. I look forward to working with Mr Turnbull as we continue paving the way for a sustainable hydropower future.”

Entura will be part of the forthcoming World Hydropower Congress in Bali, Indonesia this year, where Mr Turnbull will make his debut as IHA President.

“The World Hydropower Congress is an important event for knowledge-sharing with decision-makers, energy experts and industry leaders,” added Ms Chu. “Entura’s asset-owner heritage as part of Hydro Tasmania means we have more than 100 years of hydropower experience, which we are proud to contribute to the industry, our clients, and their water projects.”

“Our recent involvement in landmark Australian hydropower developments, such as Hydro Tasmania’s Battery of the Nation and Genex Power’s Kidston Pumped Hydro Storage project, is testament to our expertise and practical application of this longstanding knowledge.”

Entura has deep understanding and knowledge of all aspects of hydropower. Our specialists regularly contribute thought leadership articles exploring topical issues, technologies and considerations for hydropower developments, opportunities and upgrades.

We have contributed to numerous hydropower developments in Australia and internationally, including multi-purpose dam assessments in the Philippines, hydroelectric projects in India, Papua New Guinea, Laos, and many more.


Hydro Tasmania announces ambitious net zero targets

Hydro Tasmania, Australia’s largest generator of renewable energy, today (Thursday) announced its ambitious plan to achieve net zero reportable scope one and two emissions by 30 June 2025.

The Towards Net Zero plan involves a raft of initiatives to measure, reduce and offset emissions across Hydro Tasmania, its energy retailer, Momentum Energy, and its consulting business, Entura.

Hydro Tasmania CEO Ian Brooksbank said the company was already one of the lowest emitters in the sector, had significantly reduced emissions over the past few years, and was committed to doing even more.

“Hydro Tasmania has a proud history of sustainability, and our renewable energy is helping the State achieve its own net zero targets,” Mr Brooksbank said.

“Committing to our own journey towards net zero emissions is the next step in our story. Our action plan is redefining the way we generate, distribute, and consume electricity, so we can address the impacts of climate change and help keep our planet healthy for future generations.”

Activities to reduce emissions include replacing passenger vehicles with electric vehicles, improving energy efficiency in buildings and power stations, and reducing reliance on diesel on the Bass Strait Islands. Remaining emissions will be offset, with a priority on purchasing Tasmanian carbon credits.

Hydro Tasmania has already started the complex task of measuring scope 3 emissions, so it can devise further emission reduction strategies.

Momentum Energy, the Hydro Tasmania-owned mainland retailer, was rated 4.5 in the 2022 Greenpeace Green Electricity Guide. Its Managing Director Lisa Chiba said sustainability was an important point of difference for many consumers in choosing their electricity retailer.

“Renewable energy and sustainability are in Momentum’s DNA. We’re determined to support Australia’s drive to Net Zero by providing the education and products our customers, both large and small, need to help them reduce emissions and switch to renewable energy,” Ms Chiba said.

Managing Director of Entura Tammy Chu said the company played a unique role, taking expert skills and knowledge honed over a century on Tasmania’s hydro schemes, to the rest of the world.

“Entura works in Australia and around the world helping communities to transition to renewable energy and reduce their carbon emissions,” Ms Chu said.

Mr Brooksbank said Hydro Tasmania would continue to investigate, track and report greenhouse gas emissions and progress towards net zero, communicating openly on challenges and solutions.

Learn more about Hydro Tasmania’s towards net zero program here.

Media contact: Megan Tudehope on 0409 722 359 or